Zig & Sharko Wiki
Zig Tokyo






Mermaid Hunter




Main Antagonist


44 cm


Bernie , Tiger, Marina (Sometimes)

Main Sea enemies

Sharko ,Gorilla ,Monkeys , Octopus mother , Elephant family


Chaotic Evil


Moetta (Love Insterest)
Guard of Hyenas (Enemy)

Too many parameters

Zig is a very hungry Hyena and the main antagonist in the series, who always wants to catch Marina and eat her with his Hyena-made inventions with the help of his hermit crab friend Bernie. Sadly his enemy Sharko always catches him and Zig always ends up getting beat up by Sharko.

First Appearance

Fishy Story

Abilities and Powers

Zig, despite his shabby body and inability to fight, is able to withstand many blows on him, as he miraculously recovers the next second. Despite his good luck, he sometimes manages to defeat or take out Sharko for a time, as shown in "Horribly Hungry Hyena" and "Desert Island Drought". He and Bernie are also able to build beautiful, great, and angelic houses very quickly and easily, something that Sharko. Zig is also shown to be very agile and able to swim in or even run on water very quickly. Zig also can make a good impression on people, as shown in "Loony Cruise", where a woman becomes smitten with him when he blows a kiss for her as gratitude.


Cunning and manipulative, Zig will do anything to catch Marina. He has a brilliant mind to come up with ideas to try and catch her and get rid of Sharko, which always backfire on him.

Dude to his hunger, and the limited supply of food on the island, Zig is desperate to catch Marina so he can eat her, even willing to take advantage of her naive nature in order to trap her. However despite that, he has shown moments where he had a soft spot for her. When Marina was crying in "Marina's New Friend," Zig didn't have the heart to hurt her; even crying. He also has been shown to cooperate with Sharko to protect Marina from danger; even moments where he was friendly towards her and not trying to eat her, even hanging out with her for a bit in "War of the Clones".

Out of all the people he's interacted with, Bernie is Zig's only true friend, who he respects, most of the time. Zig's willing to put past his ways if Bernie is in trouble or missing. Whenever his confidence is low, Zig can always rely on Bernie to cheer him up.He has no girlfriend unlike sharko,however the hyena in goin home episode really must have liked him a lot and felt sorry for him and his actions. He did try to make a good impression on her though.



Zig's main Weakness was a Catch Bernie an a Zig make or ending in "Bernie Moves House"


  • He always makes the same Yaaaaaahhh noise every time he hurt, flung, or beaten by Sharko was Bob Beating Oggy was Hurt.
  • Zig always acted so chaotic like the Cockroaches from Oggy and the Cockroaches.
  • Zig appeared in the 100 Best Character Around the World.
  • He can put the hands in pocket even if is naked.